We freeze about 200 portions of each dinner we make to share for free.

These free frozen meals are meant to support people who need food assistance and can't make it to The Bowling Club regularly.

Free frozen meals from community freezers

You can pick out which meals you’d like from our community freezers. Meals are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

You do not need to notify us if you’d like to pick-up meals from one of our community freezers. You do not have to fill out any forms. Someone from the organisation's team will help you when you arrive.

Free meal community freezer locations:

  • The Valley Project, 262 North Road, North East Valley, Dunedin. The Valley Project freezer is stocked weekly on Mondays, and kai can be picked up 9am to 2pm Tuesday to Thursday.
  • Otepoti Community Wellness Hub, 150D Kaikorai Valley Road, Glenross, Dunedin. The OCWH freezer is stocked weekly on Mondays, and kai can be picked up Tuesdays 9am to 3pm and Thursdays 1pm to 8pm.
  • More locations are coming soon!

Free frozen meals from The Bowling Club

We can prepare frozen meal parcels for you to pick up here at The Bowling Club Eatery. If you’d like to request a parcel for pick-up, please complete the form below. We will be in touch soon. Thank you!