Your support helps us fund our free meal programs. Thank you.

We share about 1,200 free meals each week we’re open, thanks to people like you!

Everyday, dozens of Bowling Club customers ‘pay meals forward’ by paying a bit extra when they come in for kai. If you aren’t able to make it over for kai, you can pay a meal forward here! Thank you.

Bank transfer & recurring donations

One of the best ways to support us is directly through bank transfer.

Small recurring donations, like $5 (or one meal) every week are especially helpful as they mean we can feed people more sustainably.

If you’re keen to support us in this way, the best way is to set up a recurring payment in your banking app.

Please click the button below, fill out the short form, and you'll receive an email with our bank account information.

Thank you!

Make a bank transfer donation